WWCA Membership

Become a Member of WWCA

We offer membership to artists over 18 years of age, and at all levels and abilities — from newcomers to seasoned professionals. We are united in our desire to create and celebrate the world around us, adding to its beauty through water media works on paper or other two-dimensional surfaces. 

For 2025 -Because of the geographical distance between our members, we will continue to have ZOOM meetings and share art news through our Google Group.  We will also continue to schedule in-person meetings, workshops, and museum tours throughout the year.  Member meetings include art demonstrations, fee-based workshops, discussions, or presentations aimed at enriching and inspiring member artists and encouraging networking and nurturing of members at all levels of artistic proficiency. 


Benefits of Membership Include:

  • Member shows throughout each year at sites that vary according to their convenience and availability 
  • WWCA internet presence to keep members informed of upcoming events and exhibiting opportunities 
  • Exposure for individual members to their online art galleries through a link on the WWCA web site 
  • Enhanced knowledge of our craft through demonstrations and workshops
  • Networking opportunities with other artists
  • Community service through contributions to educational institutions and art groups in the Washington metropolitan area 

Annual Dues: For 2025. the membership fee is $35. We are collecting fees through SmarterEntry. Once a member creates an account, it will come up as “Membership Process”. Members will be able to submit a photo of their work so we can create a member gallery from the photos. If you do not want to submit via SmarterEntry, then the mailing process still works for the time being.

You may join the WWCA at any time during the year, but you will not be eligible to exhibit in WWCA-sponsored exhibits or attend member functions and events until your dues are paid in full.

Open your WWCA application and start enjoying the benefits of a WWCA membership today!

Mail your completed application with your check payable to Washington Water Color Association to—

Cristina Crossetto, WWCA Treasurer
12500 Palatine Court
Potomac, MD 20854

For more information, please contact us at:


WWCA Bylaws for download