Courtney Severe
Sunflower Triptych 36″x12″ $300
Cristina Crosetto
Playing Overtime 16.75″x20.75″
Crystal Parmele
The Creature From The Black Lagoon 20″x15.5″ $400
Nazanin Sadri
Colors Around Us 7.5″x9.5″ $400
Margo Kabel
Golden Trees 17″x14″ $210
Jim Burks
Quiet Harbor 13″x16″ $225
Janet Hansen Martinet
Atlantic Observer 20″x26″ $750
Crystal Parmele
The Blue Dragon 16″x20″ $600
Alexandra Treadaway-Hoare
Spring Point Ledge Lighthouse MD 15″x12″ $650
Alexandra Treadaway-Hoare
No Water Here 12″x19″ $850
Nazanin Sadri
Na Sadri 7.5″x9.5″ $300
Norah Neale
Gladiolus 20″x16″ $225
Melissa Ou
Side-Eyed Mudskipper 10″x7″ $150
Courtney Severe
Flower Stand 12″x12″ $300
Carol Leo
Kathy and Marian 20″x25″ $300
Cristina Crosetto
Home Coming 23.25″x34.25″ NFS
David Daniels
Daffodil 51″x25″ $2800
Tara Hamilton
Summer 5″x5″ $200
Melissa Ou
Reflections in the Woods 12″x9″ $180
Ellen Davis
Anatomy of a Wave II Velocity 22″x28″ $800
Monika Griff
Autumn Walk 12.25″x15.5″ $240
Tara Hamilton
Night on Water 7″x9″ $200
Alexandra Michaels
Still-life with Eggs 11″x16″ $350
Tara Hamilton
Tree Line 7″x7″ $200
Linda Daniels Cermak
Song of the Waterlilies 16″x16″ $235
Linda Daniels Cermak
The River Runs 13″x13″ $195 Watercolor with Watercolor Ground and Gouache
Nazanin Sadri
Pomegranate 8″x8″ $200
Carol Leo
Beside the Still Waters 24″x20″ $400
Anne Albright
The View Above 24″x15″ $350
Ellen Davis
Anatomy of a Wave III Swash 22″x28″ $800
Carol Leo
On the Way 28″x22″ $400
Noreen Brunini
Reeds-Rustling 17″x22″ $350
Linda Daniels Cermak
Beacon 16″x21″ $235
Treadaway-Hoare Alexandra
Rain Contributes to Rust 12″x15″ $850
Monika Griff
Mendenhall II 23″x16.75″ $350 Watercolor on Yupo Paper
Linda Daniels Cermak
Lake View 18″x22″ $235
Matthew Topoleski
Complementary-Fish 23″x19″ $250
Matthew Topoleski
Orchids . 16″x20″ $175
Ellen Davis
Anatomy of a Wave I Amplitude 22″x28″ $800
Anne Albright
Wandering 24″x15″ $350
Noelie Angevine
On the Gaspé Coast 20″x16″ $300
Janet Hansen Martinet
The Broken Fence 13″x15″ $400
Anne Albright
Ascending 22″x18″ NFS Watercolor and Acrylic
Jane Solomon
Rhododendrons21″x17.5″ $345
Alexandra Treadaway-Hoare
Lighthouse NY 15″x20″ $650
Norah Neale
Misty Shore 14″x18″ $200
Matthew Topoleski
Flower House 20″x24″ $250
Monika Griff
Bruges 23″x29″ $400 Watercolor on Yupo Paper
David Daniels
Caladium 32″x46″ $750
Cristina Crosetto
Rejoyce 15.38″x11.38″ NFS
Matthew Topoleski
Enchanted Trees 1″x19″ $250
Alexandra Michaels
Tulips 14″x11″ $350
Crystal Parmele
Golden Fields 15″x19.5″ $400
Crystal Parmele
Flytrap Fish 16″x18″ $400
Jim Burks
Evening in Ranthambore 14″x7″ $175
David Daniels
Cardoon and Finch 46″x323″ $3000
Carol Starr
Sugarbush Shockers 17.5″x13.5″ $290
Monika Griff
Mallorca Cove 15″x17″ $350
Tara Hamilton
Harbor -7″x9″ $300
Courtney Severe -230212143203_1
Good Night Knapps Narrows Marina 9″x13″ $300
Courtney Severe
Buckeystown 9″x14″ $350
Carol Starr
Bridging Springs 22″x17″ $390
Carol Leo
Turtle Tableau 11″x14″ $100
Jim Burks
Bahamian Surf 12″x18″ $175
Janet Hansen Martinet
Acadian-Beach 12″x15″ $350
Noreen Brunini
Tide Rushing In 24″x28″ $650
Margo Kabel
Amaryllis 20″x16″ $235
Billie Van Wieren
Reflections 11.5″x14.5″ $180
Melissa Ou
Foliage-on-the-Sandstone-Cliffs 9″x12″ $200
Cristina Crosetto
Dream Boat 17.25″x14.25″ NFS
Noreen Brunini
Falling 32″x26″ $650
Linda Daniels Cermak
River Rock 10.5″x12.5″ $95 Watercolor with Ink
Alexandra Treadaway-Hoare
The Sheer Delight of Water 14″x21″ $850
Norah Neale
Snow at Dusk 18″x14″ $200
Nazanin Sadri
Near Bay 7.5″x9″ $400
Amy Lance
Snowy Bush 13″x9″ NFS
Alexandra Michaels
Fig Tree II 16″x10″ $350
Noelie Angevine
Dragonfly 16″x12″ $350
Melissa Ou
Harriman Glacier 15″x20″ $220
Norah Neale
Brackish-Shoreland 14″x18″ $200
Anne Albright
Under the Microscope 28×22 $400
Carol Starr
Big Sur Shores 61.6″x22.5″ $290
Matthew Topoleski
Fresh and Inviting 19″x23″ $250
Amy Lance
Meadow Dawn 23″x17″ NFS
Noelie Angevine
Percé Rock When I was ten 12″x15″ $225 Watercolor and Pastel
Margo Kabel
Farm in Mist 14″x18″ NFS
Janet Hansen Martinet
Jelly Light 12″x16″ $350 Mixed Media – Salt
Crystal Parmele
Deconstructed Canna Plant 15″x21″ $400
Norah Neale
Wetland at Dusk 12″x16″ $150
Janet Hansen Martinet
Heavy Weather 17″x21″ $375 Watercolor on Synthetic Paper
Nazanin Sadri
Bay in Peace 7.5″x1″ $400
Jim Burks
March 2020 23″x18″ $250
Noreen Brunini
Hidden Cove 25″x22″ $500
Courtney Severe
Fenwick Lighthouse 14″x19″ $400
Alexandra Michaels
Lilies 11″x14″ $250
Alexandra Michaels
Caladiums I 13’x10″ $250
Jane Solomon
Chives 18.6″x14″ $195
Anne Albright
Raindrops and Roses 18″ x 14” $350
Noreen Brunini
River Runs Through 21″x27″ $600
Monika Griff
Swan Lake 15″x17″ $350
Carol Starr
Tedds Boat 22″x17.5″ $390
Billie Van Wieren
Grant Park Sky 23.5″x19″ $325
Melissa Ou
Water Gazer 20″x15″ $240
Carol Leo
Ocean Playground 12″x16″ $100
Jane Solomon
Spring Flowers 24″x20″ $325
Tara Hamilton
Low Country 7″x-9″ $200
Jim Burks
Tuscan Morning 15″x19″ $175
Margo Kabel
The Barn 20″x16″ $235
Jane Solomon
Hydrangeas 10.6″x16″ $345
Carol Starr
The Gorge 22″x17.75″ $390
Cristina Crosetto
Breakfast View 24.75″ x16.75″ NFS